A r t I n M i n d
Shari Weschler - Sumo Bunni
Artist Statement

Shari Weschler is focused on unveiling the multiple levels of human and humanness. Her goal is to create visuals that push into new realm and transcend obvious assumptions. She observes our species evolving at an intriguingly fast pace with limitless trajectory. Passionately interested in quantum mechanics, the psyche, theater, animal nature, technology, communication and ancient history these elements are found unraveling within her imagery. Illusion and truth travel in unison - as an artist, Weschler feels it is essential to reveal some of those intertwining moments.
Her style and series fluctuate between a more detailed and calculated realism to a fantastically wild and intuitive approach. The latter brings a sense of centering to her life that has been in transition for the past several years; she can be found conducting her medium utilizing both hands simultaneously to channel memories, emotions and mythologies.